

Taipei City High School Big Data and AI Application Competition - Marine Litter Prediction in Taiwan

今年夏天,讓我們用AI大數據來場全臺最潮的環境保衛大作戰!由臺北市政府教育局、中正高中與工研院人工智慧共創平臺團隊共同推出全國第一場高中職生AI與演算法競賽,本次競賽以海洋廢棄物快篩調查為主題,鼓勵學生運用程式設計所學,設計能透過自我訓練、自我學習,快速分析與預測臺灣海洋廢棄物的演算法。歡迎本市有意參賽師生於110年8月16日(星期一)至9月8日(星期三)至臺北市科技教育網(網址:https://techpro.tp.edu.tw)進行線上報名,讓我們一起用智慧科技保護永續家園。海洋廢棄物是全球關注的重大污染議題,科學研究顯示人造垃圾已經對生態、經濟造成重大且難以復原的影響。海洋廢棄物污染場域廣大,相較於一般空氣、水體或廢棄物污染,更不容易找出污染源與污染區域之間的直接關聯;人造固體廢棄物因外觀、尺寸、重量、材質之間具有高度差異,相對於重金屬或農藥等化學污染,目前無法用單一檢測儀器或程序測量。人造廢棄物的源頭減量才是最根本的治理辦法,但是改變源頭不易,且需較長的時間,因此做為末端補救的淨灘相當重要。海岸廢棄物快篩調查可在短時間內做大範圍的抽樣調查,並量化廢棄物,可作為測量的方法之一,供淨灘選址參考。快篩的抽樣方式為於海岸線每隔 10 公里取一測站,以臺灣本島 1,210 公里海岸線為母體,即有 121 個測站。本議題希望藉由測站資訊預測相近測站的資訊,以達到減少測站和人力。Reference[1] https://www.sow.org.tw/sites/sow/files/hai_an_fei_qi_wu_kuai_shai_diao_cha_zhi_yin_190802.pdf

2021-08-15T16:00:00+00:00 ~ 2021-12-03T15:59:59+00:00

Marine Litter Prediction in Taiwan

Marine litter has become a critical pollution issue which is worthy of global attention. Scientific studies show that artificial waste has posed a tremendous and irreversible threat to our environment and economy.Compared to air and water pollution, the geographic scale of marine waste is far more larger, which results in difficulties for finding the connection between the pollution source and polluted area.There are high discrepancies in artificial waste in appearances, size, weights and ingredients, which makes it challenging to identify these pollutants with single detector or utilizing methods commonly used in examining heavy metals and pesticide.Although the reduction of artificial waste is the fundamental way to solve the pollution issue, however, it’s challenging and time-consuming. Thus, terminal solutions such as beach cleanup have played an important role in alleviating this crisis.Beach Litter Rapid Assessment allows researchers to conduct sampling survey in a wide range of locations in a short period of time. It is one of the examination methods that helps quantify the marine wastes and assist scientists decide the location where beach cleanup should be held. The sampling survey is conducted by each observation station every ten kilometers of the shoreline. Taiwan has 121 observation stations in the 2210-kilometer coastline.This topic focuses on exploiting the data collected by one observatory to predict the sampling survey results of nearby observatories. This method is expected to lower the amount of observation station and the involvement of human labor. Reference[1] https://www.sow.org.tw/sites/sow/files/hai_an_fei_qi_wu_kuai_shai_diao_cha_zhi_yin_190802.pdf PrizeFirst place: 150,000 discount points of hicloudSecond place: 100,000 discount points of hicloud Third place: 50,000 discount points of hicloud Honorable mention: 50,000 discount points of hicloud (multiple winners, depends on the final result) Awards were provided by Chunghwa Telecom Notes:1.Hicloud points can redeem service charge. After the discount, the price will be charged at 30% off based on the list price automatically.2. Chunghwa Telecom deserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions herein.3. The example of discount points calculation can be referred to https://aidea-web.tw/computing 

2019-11-19T16:00:00+00:00 ~ 2020-03-04T15:59:59+00:00

ICIP Competition-Mosquito Breeding Site Hunting for Dengue Fever Control

Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease transmitted by mosquito. The peak time of dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan is usually at summertime. Mild clinical cases of dengue fever may present as symptoms such as fever, headaches, and myalgia while severe cases may have severe fluid leakage, hemorrhagic symptoms, shock, organ failure, coma and even death. The mortality rate can be as high as 20% or more if the patient does not receive proper treatment in time.To effectively prevent dengue fever outbreak, cleaning up the breeding sites of the mosquitos is essential. Possible breeding sites for mosquitos include all containers that hold stagnant water, such as bottles, basins, buckets, cans, cups, bowls, tires, plastic bags, and etc.Every year, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control collaborate with local health department to examine the communities and to find uncleaned sites with those containers that may hold stagnant water, where may become mosquito breeding sites afterwards. However, the inspection takes tremendous manpower and time. This challenge provides labeled data for the various types of containers, and aims to build an object detection model for possible breeding sites. This way the inspectors can pinpoint the containers which hold stagnant water by digital camera images or live video, and thus improve the effectiveness of inspection and breeding site elimination.This competition is a grand challenge of IEEE ICIP 2019. In addition to participating in the competition, participants can also submit the results of the solution(challenge paper) to the conference.Prize Information1st place: 3000 USD2nd place: 2000 USD3rd place: 1000 USDAll prizes are subject to the corresponding tax deductions, according to the law.

2019-03-31T16:00:00+00:00 ~ 2019-06-01T15:59:59+00:00