Mosquito Breeding Site Hunting for Dengue Fever Control
Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease transmitted by mosquito. The peak time of dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan is usually at summertime. Mild clinical cases of dengue fever may present as symptoms such as fever, headaches, and myalgia while severe cases may have severe fluid leakage, hemorrhagic symptoms, shock, organ failure, coma and even death. The mortality rate can be as high as 20% or more if the patient does not receive proper treatment in time.To effectively prevent dengue fever outbreak, cleaning up the breeding sites of the mosquitos is essential. Possible breeding sites for mosquitos include all containers that hold stagnant water, such as bottles, basins, buckets, cans, cups, bowls, tires, plastic bags, and etc.Every year, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control collaborate with local health department to examine the communities and to find uncleaned sites with those containers that may hold stagnant water, where may become mosquito breeding sites afterwards. However, the inspection takes tremendous manpower and time. This challenge provides labeled data for the various types of containers, and aims to build an object detection model for possible breeding sites. This way the inspectors can pinpoint the containers which hold stagnant water by digital camera images or live video, and thus improve the effectiveness of inspection and breeding site elimination. This is an open-ended problem that can be solved consistently over a long period of time, and has offered milestone awards for participants. the award will be given to the first three participants who reached the Baseline, and Private Leaderboard will be updated occasionally. Prize InformationThe final score should be uploaded before 23:59:59 on the day of milestone. The top three exceeding Baseline score (0.595474) on Private Leaderboard would be awarded as follows:The first place: 100,000 discount points of hicloudThe second place: 100,000 discount points of hicloudThe third place: 100,000 discount points of hicloudRewards were provided by Chunghwa TelecomNote:1. Hicloud points can redeem service charge. After the discount, the price will be charged at 30% off based on the list price automatically.2. Chunghwa Telecom deserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions herein.3. A model verification process will be performed to verify eligibility of awardees. Only those who pass model verification process will be awarded a certificate and/or prize.The example of calculating points can be referred to
2019-01-27T16:00:00+00:00 ~ 2019-11-30T15:59:59+00:00