participants / team
In the past 40 years, the Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research Laboratories undertakes the missions for the researches and developments of Semiconductor, Packaging, LED/OLED/Micro LED, Telecommunications, Flexible Electronics, 3D Imaging, Flexible Display and Transparent Display Application System technologies.
ITRI provides a welcoming work environment that stimulates the full potential of ITRI’s members, allowing them to excel and to perform their best in application-oriented researches. We fully cultivate the capability of independent innovation through participating in international cooperation and academic programs. These collaborative activities are pursued so as to aid in the success of technological incubation and entrepreneur start-ups. We strive to strengthen the technological innovation and value creation ability for Taiwan’s industry in order to remain the competitiveness globally.
Sentiment analysis is one of the most significant applications of natural language processing (NLP) nowadays. By adopting it, sentiments in phrases or sentences as well as inclinations of comments can be determined, besides, a more precise comment system for the database can also be established.
In this topic, participants shall train AI models to analyze the brief comments that are collected and determine whether a piece of similar writing is positive or negative.
This project ends at 23:59:59 on 01/15/2022., with its Private Leaderboard being announced at 00:00:00 on 01/22/2022.
Evaluations are conducted by calculating F1 score [1], and the formula is as follows: $$ F_{1} = {2\cdot {precision \cdot recall \over precision+recall}} \\ $$
[1] F1 score: