"Irwin Mango Defects Classification Competition" is registered hot! The highest bonus is 130,000 NTD! Welcome students from all disciplines and professionals to compete together to help Irwin Mango become the glory of Taiwan!In this competition, through establishing an image recognition algorithm model, five types of defects on mango are classified by images, which not only proposes a solution to this issue but also pictures the future of the Irwin mango industry.Irwin mango, one of Taiwan’s important agricultural exports, has continued to increase in sales in recent years and has even jumped to one of the three high-economy fresh fruit products for export. It has also expanded its export countries to Japan, China, the United States, and Hong Kong. Although in cooperation with the policies of local governments, Taiwanese mangoes have increased their reputation and expanded their market shares to the previous ones, they still encountered price-cutting competition from other mango exporting countries (Philippines, Thailand). Therefore, processing technology, brand marketing, and other works to enhance the value of products still need technological assistance to advance.After the “Irwin Mango Three Grades Classification Competition”, this competition will classify the five types of defects of Irwin mangoes, including latex adsorption, mechanical damage, anthracnose, poor coloration, black spots, and quickly identify the reason of defective products of Irwin mangoes through image recognition. We expect to analyze and forecast the mangoes by this data in the future, and provide producer information, reduce the rate of defective fruits of Irwin mango.Therefore, BIIC Lab cooperated with Walker Grow-Rite International Co., Ltd. to collect Irwin mango image data for several years. Through this competition, it will cultivate AI talents and establish an open and co-prosperous local database in Taiwan. By introducing the AI image recognition technology with the concept of automation and precision, and using the database to establish an automatic mango sorting system in the future, we are eager to raise Taiwanese’ awareness of the agricultural industry upgrading, and refine Taiwan's local Irwin mango brand.For related questions, please contact: biiclab@ee.nthu.edu.tw Contest Forum: AI CUP 2020|愛文芒果影像辨識雙項競賽 討論區參賽對象具中華民國學籍學生(研究生亦可)。業界亦可參加,另列入綜合競賽敘獎排名。競賽獎金敘獎分為單項競賽獎金及綜合競賽獎金: 單項競賽獎金 五類不良品分類辨識競賽 (Defective Competition)第一名第二名第三名優等佳作(十名)10 萬元5 萬元3.5 萬元1 萬元十名,各 7.5 仟元敘獎對象為全學生隊伍,全隊隊員須為報名時具中華民國學籍之學生,敘獎時需檢附相關證明。兩種競賽前六名獲獎之全學生隊伍經評審委員審定後將獲教育部獎狀乙紙。各項獎勵名額得視參賽件數及成績酌予調整,參賽作品未達水準(官方公告之baseline)得由決選評審委員決定從缺,或不足額入選。 綜合競賽獎金 三類等級分類辨識競賽 (Grade Competition)第一名3 萬元 五類不良品分類辨識競賽 (Defective Competition)第一名3 萬元 雙項競賽綜合排名 (ORS) Overall Rating Score第一名第二名第三名10 萬元5 萬元3.5 萬元敘獎對象包含所有參賽之隊伍(業界及全學生隊伍,報名時隊伍中若包含一名以上業界人士,即視為業界隊伍)。ORS=0.4×(WAR in Grade Competition)+0.6×(WAR in Defective Competition)。本綜合競賽獎金由台灣瓦克國際股份有限公司提供。兩項競賽名次在前 25% 且超過 Baseline 之隊伍,經評審委員會審定後,將獲頒教育部人工智慧競賽計畫辦公室獎狀。各項獎勵名額得視參賽件數及成績酌予調整,參賽作品未達水準(官方公告之 baseline)得由決選評審委員決定從缺,或不足額入選。得獎隊伍之競賽報告將列入敘獎,該獎項將各頒發最佳報告獎獎狀乙紙。
2020-07-09T16:00:00+00:00 ~ 2021-01-25T15:59:59+00:00